Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Whole Family Soccer Games

The boys soccer games are an hour of my whole life combined in one.

Tage's ex-wife brings my step-son.
My kid's Dad drives across the state line for every game.
My parents show up.
My in-laws show up.
Tage's ex-wife's parents show up.

I run into an old friend that knew me back when I was newly engaged to my ex-husband.
How is life!?
Great...Over there is my Ex-husband. And over there is my new husband.
Oh my gosh, he is your Ex-husband...! What happened?
He had an affair after 9 years.
There are my two kids and my step son.

In a less than minute conversation I explain my failed marriage and my new life.

What once was enough to write an entire book, is now just a sentence.

I hope your biggest trials in life become just a sentence,
just a small stepping stone to everything else that defines you. 

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